Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm so bad at keeping this blog. Actually I've been so bad with my eating that I couldn't blog.

I've been letting my emotions get to me and control me. I let the words and actions of others dictate my emotions. NOT GOOD. I am not going to let that happen anymore. I deserve to be happy and healthy. I deserve to eat good food. I will not use food to shove my emotions to a place where I can not feel them. I use food to numb myself so that I don't have to feel the pain of what is going on in my life.

Today I will stop the vicious cycle that has recently caused me to regain weight that I had released over a year ago. I am on a path of healthy eating and positive emotions. I will not let what people say or do effect me in a negative way.

I bought 2 of Natalia Rose's books, Life Force Energy and The Raw Detox Diet. Today I am on the right path.

Today's food:
Green lemonade
Huge green salad with peppers tomatoes and carrots
Carrot, beet, ginger apple juice

I didn't eat dinner because I didn't feel hungry. I am feeling a little hunger now so I am going to have some veggies while I prep my juice ingredients for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Yes, the big salad is great. Keep going with the healthy food. It will soon be a healthy habit, and then a healthy lifestyle and identity.

James Reno (editor)