Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This morning I made my green smoothie. It wasn't my favorite. It was papaya, strawberry, orange and kale. I didn't like the taste so I added a banana. Still not great but I drank it. Lunch was better, salad with the dressing I made last night. I had an apple for a snack and for dinner I made a yummy kale salad with red peppers, tomato, onion and a dressing I whipped up from pine nuts, cumin, coriander and a dash of cayenne. It was good and I still have some for tomorrow's lunch. I also had some raw fudge that I made the other day.

I feel really good because I did not have my morning coffee or chai tea. Even though it's a hot day I still love my hot coffee. I did think about coffee and the taste and how it is warm and yummy but I resisted and made it through the whole day without it. I can't say I didn't miss it but I know it will only get easier from here.

My lentil sprouts are sprouting a little bit. I only started soaking them last night. I wonder if it's because it's been so hot here? Not sure but I can't wait to eat them.

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